Monday, April 6, 2009

Expert Advisors

How to Choose Your Professional Advisors

Those you choose to represent and advise you can make, or break, your chances of succeeding in business. Choose them wisely: these are the people you must feel comfortable with in the good times. And, perhaps more importantly, in the bad times too.

Make appointments to meet several people in each professional field. Don't settle for the first professional advisor you come across, unless you've known that person for some time already. Remember that your professional advisors are there to help you at the beginning of your business and perhaps for many years to come.

In the beginning you are likely to need: a bank manager, accountant, solicitor.

Bank Manager

A bank manager is likely to be the first professional you meet in your new business. He's also likely to be your most regular contact in future. Look for someone you like and feel you can relate to. If you already have a bank manager and are satisfied with the service you've received in the past, ask for an appointment to meet that person if you haven't done so already.

Most banks have Small Business Advisors who can help with all aspects of starting and running your own business. A massive selection of free business start-up advice is usually available. Meetings with Small Business Advisors are almost always free of charge, the aim being to obtain and keep your future business. Make an appointment to visit your local advisor soon.


What you need from an accountant and what he thinks you need are two very different things. While you expect him to provide basic services of audit, taxation and general accountancy, he's got business planning on his mind, and project feasibility studies, maybe designs on altering your entire business set-up. The message is: there's more to your accountant than meets the eye and choosing the right man or woman to represent you can save your business far more in taxes and running costs than you're ever likely to pay in fees.


When you start in business, preferably before you start trading, it makes sense to engage a solicitor, preferably one specialising in business law. If you can also find a solicitor with knowledge of the business you intend to operate, so much the better.

A good solicitor can help in a variety of ways, including product liability, partnership agreements, drafting legal documents, and much more. He or she will also help you get planning permission if you need to change the use of part of your home to accommodate your business.

Regardless of Specialty, Your 'Ideal' Advisor is Someone who:

* Understands your business. Not just any business: your business!

* Possesses good personal skills and appropriate professional expertise

* Is independent and objective

* Offers good value for money

* Provides continuity

* Is responsive to priorities and deadlines

* Calls you sometimes to ask how things are going, and doesn't always wait for you to make the initial approach

* Consults with you on your premises, not just at his

* Someone you feel at ease with. Your advisor must be a partner, your equal, not someone for you to look up to.

Checklist for Choosing Your Professional Advisors

* Has the person been recommended to you? If yes, how well do you trust the judgement of the person who made the recommendation?

* Does the advisor have experience of how small businesses work? Does he have specialist knowledge of the kind of business you will be operating?

* Is his office convenient to where you will be operating from?

* Has he a reputation for providing prompt, even urgent, attention?

* Do you like him? Do you feel comfortable with him? Is he taking an interest in you? Or is he explaining how his fee structure works? Again!

About the Author

Adrian Kennelly is the webmaster of DirectoryGold
Web Directory & Portal

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Online Trading

Online Stock Trading: Freedom Of Trade

I remember the first time I started to trade online. It was just before the tech bubble of the late 1990’s and the internet was still something new for most people. Purchasing the now forgotten company was easy, and I made a few dollars on that trade. It was so excitingly simple.

Flash forward a couple of years and I have made and lost my share of money. While still ahead of the game, I learned a few things about online stock trading. Freedom is great, but it comes at a cost. Lets have a look at the benefits and the trade offs of online stock trading:

The Benefits of Online Stock Trading

Low commissions – for most people, this is the number 1 benefit of investing online. For $9.99 or less, you can buy and sell your favorite stock. Full service brokerage fees are usually over $100. If you are an active trader, that can start to eat up your profits very quickly. For every $10 000 you invest, you have to make 2% ($200 - $100 to buy and $100 to sell) just to break even.

Quickly act on price moves – another great benefit of online stock trading is being able to quickly act on price moves. With the click of a couple of buttons, you are able to take advantage. With a full service brokerage, you’ll have to call first, explain what and why you want to trade that stock and then wait to see what price you were filled it. Odds are, you may have missed the best entry point, and paid 10x the commission for that privilege.

No middle men – No justifying why you want to trade, no having to have someone suggest that a stock might be too risky. You call the shots.

Information – at your fingertips online stock trading can bring much needed and real time info that can help you when to buy and when to sell. Technical charts, real time prices and information sharing can be easily accessed online.

The Drawbacks of Online Stock Trading

No middle men – while I just listed this as a benefit, its also a drawback. The majority of my losses were from stocks that did not meet my investment plan but were simple stocks that were being pumped and hyped up. Often, you end up buying a stock that is moving higher, and end up having to sell at a loss. When you trade at a discount broker, there is no stopping you from making a mistake. With a full service brokerage, your financial planner can help filter out the bad plays from the smart ones. This advice alone can more than make up for commission fees.

Investment Plans – online stock trading doesn’t automatically come with an Investment Plan. Why are you buying a stock? What is your exit plan if things don’t go right? Will you use margin? Will you buy penny stocks (and if so, what percentage of your portfolio will be at risk)? A full service broker can help create an investment plan. Trading outside of your risk tolerance is one of the biggest risks your portfolio will face.

The best suggestion I can make for you is to look at a combination of both. Trade stocks online, but talk to an investment planner, develop an investment and trading plan first. While you may have to pay for his time, your trading plan will help you to avoid unnecessary risk when you on online stock trading.

About the Author: Investment strategies for trading penny provides traders with online trading and investment startegies and tips. Free stock picks for subscribers to the Leading Source -

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Currency Trading

Poor Man's Access To Foreign Currency Trading

By far, the largest trading market in the world is the foreign currency market. Speculators make up only a small part of the spot (cash market) and forward (futures market) currency exchange transactions. So if you are considering speculating in this area, be aware that you are trying to out-guess the brightest minds & supercomputers at large banks and hedge funds; along with the political whims & expediency of government treasury departments.

The common portfolio use for holding foreign currencies is to hedge against the fall of your home currency. For most people, their salary and all their assets are based in their home currency – and if that falls in value, so does their entire net worth and future earnings. For Americans, as an example, there has been a growing trade deficit with China for many years. And if China were to allow their currency to fluctuate, the U.S. dollar would fall against the Chinese yuan in concert with this trade deficit.

You can also include currency trading as an additional way to diversify your portfolio. I have read many, many books to learn about currency trading, and even day-traded the Swiss-Franc for six months. If you want to learn how to speculate with trading currencies, you can either try some technical analysis services at the link below, or getting a Phd. in economics and finance, but I canÂ’t guarantee that will increase your odds of success.

I made my only ‘very poor man’ currency trade prior to the establishment of the Euro currency in 2002. While driving in my car, I heard a speech over the radio by the German president that I felt was certain to cause a short-term fall in the German Mark. I drove to the nearest AAA Travel Office, and went to the ATM next door to withdraw $200 in cash to put in my pocket. Being a AAA member, I then exchanged the $200 for American Express Traveler’s Cheques that were denominated in German Marks. Four months later, the U.S. dollar had increased by 10% on the German Mark. So I took my German Mark cheques to exchange them back into dollars and cash out with a giant profit. To my disappointment, the fees for the buy & sell transactions added up to about 8%, leaving me with a giant $4 profit. So if you want to try the “Travelers Cheque” route, you’ll need a big trend to offset your transaction fees.

The next step up in initial cost is an ETF that is based on the Euro with the ticker symbol FXE. It is technically a trust, but it is traded exactly like a stock, and it fluctuates very close to the USD/Euro rate. When you think the dollar is going to fall against the Euro, just buy some of these shares to offset your currency risk, and you can start with one share for less than $200.

The next way to get access to foreign currencies is to get some FDIC insured certificates of deposit from They offer CDs in over 10 different foreign currencies and a couple indices, and the minimum investment is only $10,000 for an interest earning account. So if you are tired of your bankÂ’s low savings account rate, there are currencies that regularly offer a higher yield without undue currency exchange risk.

Risk a few small steps into foreign currency investments, and anything dollar-based will feel disappointingly tame. Plus, youÂ’ll have bragging rights with your friends and dinner parties on your sophisticated investment portfolio.

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Forex Broker

A Comprehensive Forex Broker Register

A comprehensive forex broker list includes investment banks with dealing rooms, commercial banks with treasury operations, and online brokerages that serve a larger market. The investment banks with forex trading capabilities include Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Salomon Smith Barney, Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Prudential Securities and Bear Sterns.

Some of the brokerage services are not directly accessible for all customers. For example, inter-bank market dealers and treasury operations in commercial banks handle large customer orders themselves.

The top commercial banks in the Forex Broker List, having inter-bank and treasury operations, are JP Morgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, CitiBank, Wachovia Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, Fleet Bank, US Bank, HSBC Bank, Sun Trust Bank, Bank of New York, State Street, Chase Manhattan Bank, Key Bank, Branch Bank, PNC Bank, Lasalle Bank, South Trust Bank, MBNA America Bank, Fifth Third Bank.

The online forex broker list of smaller forex accounts sees new entrants almost on a daily basis.

The online forex broker list includes Forex Capital Markets, MG Financial Group, CMS Forex, Global Forex Trading, GCI Forex Direct,, GAIN Capital, Real time Forex SA (Geneva), Global Forex, Commerce Bank and Trust, FX Solutions, Forex MHV, swissDirekt (Swiss), Goetz Financial Forex, NY Broker Borsentermin AG, Act Forex, Online Trader, Shield FX Online Currency Trading, Forex Trade Signals, CMC Group PLC, Foreign Currency Direct Limited (UK), FX Advantage, FXCM, Forex Millenium, ACM REFCO, REFCO Spot, Easy Forex, Online Forex Trading Inc., Lincoln Corporation, Global Trade Waves, Ltd., and CIBC FX Web Dealing.

Forex Broker Info provides detailed information on forex brokers, forex trading and market makers, and other forex-related topics. Forex Broker Info is the sister site of Incorporating in Florida Web.

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Forex Trading

Forex Trading: Making Money With Money

Forex trading is one of the growing markets for making money in todayÂ’s world economy. If you are part of the forex trading game, you need well thought out and planned strategies. You also need up to the minute information and reliable data to help you along the way. With this said, in order to be successful at forex, youÂ’ll want to invest in high quality products to help you analyze, watch and track the forex market. No little project at all. The good news to you is that there are options out there to help you do just that.

First of all, realize that forex trading is an excellent market to trade in. It has the ability to make you money without a whole lot of investing. And, you can trade with whatever you have, not necessarily millions of dollars. To get into the forex market, it makes sense to pay attention to the numbers for some time. Then, youÂ’ll have a good feel for it long before your dollars are involved.

But, once you do get in, youÂ’ll need up to the minute information. Consider the purchase of and use of valuable forex trading software programs. These programs can help you to track what is happening and in some, it will help you to better analyze the information as well. Of course, this in turn will help you to make the right decisions about your investments.

While market trading is always risky, many find that forex trading, when done right, is one of the most profitable without much start up investment opportunities out there. With the ability that you have to monitor and respond virtually instantly to the worldÂ’s market in forex, you are better able to make the right decisions which will then lead to those gains you are seeking.

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